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Price: £42.00 inc vat

  • Water is permanently dissolved in Carbon, Bio and Aviation fuels

  • Fuel quality is improved reducing consumption by up to 10%

  • Reduces harmful emissions by up to 70%

  • Aquasolve™ becomes a natural anti-freeze when mixed with fuel, reducing the freezing temperature to -20°C

  • Reduced risk of freezing fuel and fuel lines in aviation fuel when applying Aquasolve™, which then has a freeze curve of -59°C

  • Diesel Bug (bacterial fungus) is cured and then prevented

  • Prevents rusting and corrosion of components

  • Overall engine performance is enhanced, cleansing filters and injectors

  • Reduces maintenance costs

  • Stabilizes Bio and Ethanol fuels

  • Stabilizes AdBlue mis-fueling