How To Store Your Coal - Indoor & Outdoor

There’s nothing quite like having the inviting glow of a real fire that a solid fuel fireplace brings, but where do you store all that fuel?

In this blog, we’re looking at coal storage - one of the most important aspects of owning a solid fuel fireplace.

Storing Outdoors

Many people prefer to have their coal stored outdoors, especially when they have a large supply or buy in bulk. Few ideas for storing your coal outdoors include:

  1. Coal bunkers provide the easiest storage option, made from materials like hard plastic or galvanised steel, they are hard wearing and have a large capacity.

  2. You can repurpose an old wheelie bin or dustbin into your own coal bunker at no cost! A hole can even be cut at the base of the bin to let coal pour through.

  3. Although not the most aesthetically pleasing way to store your coal but you can pile up your coal store pretty much anywhere, as long as you try and keep it as dry as possible by placing it undercover or covering it with plastic sheeting.


Storing Indoors

In some cases, it is necessary to store coal inside when there is little room to do so outside, but it is also a good idea to keep a small supply of coal indoors to save you running in and out if you need to refuel your fire especially in the winter.

  1. If you want to keep your coal indoors but out of sight, repurpose an old storage chest or basket. They will normally be able to hold large amounts of coal and can be decorated to fit into your living room.

  2. Coal scuttles and buckets provide an easy way to store a smaller amount of coal indoors and also include a lip that allows you to more easily tip coal on to the fire.

  3. If you’re on a budget, a standard plastic tub will also do the trick.

Aswell as coal, we also stock coal bunkers available in 600kg (24 x 25kg bags) 300kg (12 x 25kg bags) 150kg (6 x 25kg bags) . To order contact our office on 01563 525215